March 12, 2025

The Forum will serve as a catalyst for the development of a sustainable and competitive energy sector in India. India’s energy requirements are enormous and the demand is growing but our resources are limited both in physical and financial terms. It is a long term imperative that these resources are exploited optimally.

India is attracting significant attention from major overseas project developers, equipment suppliers and financiers. It is imperative for both public and private sector energy organizations to be responsive to the international market forces.

The Forum will try to bring, Government institutions, policy makers, and multi-national agencies and try to identify and resolve problems, which impede the development of projects in India. The Forum will serve as an independent advocate of the industry promoting practical solutions to problems affecting project development and finance in India.

The Forum will work with companies and Government (Centre and States) to achieve consensus on such issues as regulatory structures and policies and the role of public organizations. In addition, the Forum will work closely with multilateral and domestic financing agencies to ensure that their products and services are responsive to the needs of the project finance in India.

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    India Energy Forum.
